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Den 2 og 3  dec. 2024 på Frederiksberg Bibliotek 
Den 2 dec.  Skolen ved Nylandsvej
Den 3 dec. Skolen ved Søerne.

Ramus Bregnhøi maler live til Simon Toldam og Thomas Agergaard 
Skolerne beholder værkerne.

Fra vores tegnekoncert på Frederiksberg Bibliotek kan  værket erhverves ved at deltage i konkurrencen


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In August 2016 the Danish politician and leader of the political party Alternativet Uffe Elbæk asked the composer, musician and event maker Thomas Agergaard to become artist in residence at the Danish Parliament in Christiansborg.
 Agergaard immediately accepted, proposing to create a sound installation based on recordings of the heartbeats of Danish politicians. 
 The sound installation is sponsored by the famous Danish loudspeaker company Artcoustic.
Link til Guld og Grønne skove 2025

My Sound Installation Needed a Text Component

The sitting prime minister had banned experts and taste arbiters.
I decided that my text component should consist of a series of meetings with a central agenda relevant to our time.

One meeting I arranged was with Minik Rosing (Professor of Geology at the University of Copenhagen). The topic was the mineral-rich glacier meal, of which there are vast amounts in Greenland.
At the meeting, experiments with glacier meal were agreed upon in the fertile Danish soil at Lundsgaard Estate near Kerteminde.

These are photos from that meeting that I am posting here, as the results have only truly emerged now—something you can hear about in the DR program Guld og Grønne Skove.



The Paper Trio_ Foto 2 Klavs Holsting .jpg

By Vito Camarretta - Dec 29 2024 

Artist: Paper Trio 
Title: Hippo Road
Format: CD + Download
Label: Time Span RecordsRated:       

Step onto "Hippo Road" and prepare for a sonic safari unlike any other. With the sound of rustling parchment as its heartbeat, this audacious album by Paper Trio redefines improvisational music, proving that even the most mundane material - paper - can transcend its humble origins to become a profound artistic medium.


Born from a whimsical challenge to incorporate paper into their performances, the trio - Randi Pontoppidan (voice, electronics, paper), Thomas Agergaard (flute, saxophones, paper), and Greg Cohen (double bass, paper) - turns this constraint into their muse. "Hippo Road" is their declaration that art knows no boundaries, not even those of cellulose.


The title track, “Hippo Road”, sets the tone with a lumbering, primal groove, as if a great beast is making its way through the sonic underbrush, its every step accompanied by the crunch and crinkle of paper. Pontoppidan’s voice floats like a phantom, shifting between whispers and ethereal wails, while Agergaard’s saxophone bends and stretches like light through a dense canopy. Cohen’s bass provides a steady, grounding pulse, as if tethering the wild experiment to the earth.

Tracks like “MIire Herz” and “Litho” showcase the trio’s ability to craft miniature sound worlds. “Chewy” is a playful romp through textured improvisation, evoking the sensation of tearing, folding, and crumpling. Meanwhile, “Golden Blume” unfolds like a delicate origami flower, its fragile beauty highlighted by Pontoppidan’s celestial vocal tones.The album isn’t without its humor.

The aptly titled “Gutenberg Blues” riffs on the history of paper with a melancholy saxophone line that seems to mourn the analog days of ink-stained fingers.


“Pulp Friction” is a cheeky closer, its percussive rhythms and kinetic energy making it feel like the soundtrack to a papermaking factory gone delightfully rogue.Yet amidst the whimsy lies genuine depth. “Cellulose Dreams” is a hauntingly beautiful meditation, its sounds swelling and receding like memories on the edge of recall. The trio’s chemistry is palpable, each member responding intuitively to the others, creating a soundscape that feels organic, alive, and deeply interconnected.


The Paper Trio’s "Hippo Road" sounds like an ode to transformation.

From the tactile world of paper emerges a transcendent musical experience, one that blends jazz, experimental sound art, and pure improvisational magic.


To listen is to witness a conversation between the ephemeral and the eternal, between the crackle of paper and the infinite possibilities of the human spirit.


"Hippo Road" invites us to crumple up our expectations and take a leap into the unknown. The destination? A place where creativity flows freely, like ink across a blank page.


Eventyrlige Aftener

1 December 2022 

Live concert
JB10 Næstved 

Kim Kristensen: Synthesizer, programering
Simon Toldam: Synthesizer
Thomas Agergaard: Tenor saxophone, Soprano saxophone .
Live recording Henrik Vindeby


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Jeg har samarbejdet med Tobias van der Pals i mange år, men vi har kun spillet sammen ved forskellige projekter.


Under Corona pandemien opstod muligheden for st udbygge samarbejdet og vi dannede Bach Perspective, her er vores første single.


Tak til støtte fra KODA Kultur og tak til Jesper Andersen fra DKDM Han Xu studerende fra Kina stod for indspilningen. Gateway har igen været en fantastisk samarbejdspartner.


Det smukke cover er udarbejdet af Morten Agergaard, også tak for det smukke greb.


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Ung Klang synger første del af mit værk Mass for the Sea - Tobias van der Pals dirigerer og Henrik Vindeby har indspillet.


Det endelige værk udkommer 2025 i dolby atmos.

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The Paper Trio was created when Thomas was asked to play a concert at a Paper Museum/Gallery in the countryside of Denmark. Luck had it that Randi and I were the other 2 musicians in the band.
But the gig had its caveats.We could only get money if we used actual paper to make our sounds. So we all scrambled to find interesting types of paper in the studio there and we briefly practiced incorporating these sounds to our normal trio world.
Lo and behold! It worked. The public loved the paper sounds and the Paper Trio was born.
After that concert we were all inspired to take this trio into the studio and capture these sounds, and more. You can hear the recorded sounds of paper stamping machines and other paper fabrication machines used. Each piece was introduced in the studio simply with a mood or title, and then we started to play.
We hope you enjoy this effort as much as we have enjoyed making it.

Only as physical CD
Only 300 ex.
113 DKR


Lars Jansson / Thomas Agergaard



This is a fine duo album with compositions from the two musicians that draw influences from John Cage, Wayne Shorter and Charlie Haden, and who also dip their toes into the murky waters of free improvisation suggesting another avenue of exploration.


Possible through a collaboration with Thomas Lyngdam / Arts Music

Recent Jazz album releases that will blow your mind!
No Rhythm Section? No Problem! As a Scandanavian Sax/Piano Duo Proves!
Mike Greenblatt
Jul 28, 2023

Garden of Sounds is a fascinating jazz collaboration by Swedish pianist/composer Lars Jansson and Danish saxophonist/flutist/composer Thomas Agergaard.

Kathy Parsons Jul 28, 2023

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